Saturday, 1 March 2014

Anti-Bullying Day

In class this week, we did a variety of lessons about what bullying is and what you can do if you are being bullied or you know someone who is being bullied.

Students worked in small groups to identify what bullying looks like, sounds like, and feels like. They were very insightful and had so many great ideas to share with the rest of the class. We combined all of our ideas into one chart!

One group even ended their presentation by saying, “This is a bullying-free zone!” They all did an awesome job!

During another lesson, we discussed the different roles in bullying: bully, victim, bystander, and active onlooker. We talked about what each person might be thinking, feeling, or saying. Here are some of our ideas!

What I really wanted students to take away from our discussions was that bullying is when someone intentionally and repeatedly says or does mean things to someone. We all make mistakes and say or do mean things sometimes; that does not make someone a bully. We all need to remember to think, before we speak and act! Our words and actions can have a lasting impact on others. Here are a couple of the pictures that are now posted in our classroom!

Here is a link to a song that we listened to this week called, "Don't Laugh at me".

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